Phang Nga Bay  Thailand Holiday Phang Nga Bay poi Thailand Holiday Phang Nga Bay poi Thailand Holiday Phang Nga Bay poi Thailand Holiday
Holiday in Phang Nga Bay poi in Thailand

Phang Nga Bay

Pang Nga Bay is one of the most famous islands in Thailand. Thousands of tourists come to explore this beautiful bay every year. The main attractions are the floating limestone karsts which create breathtaking scenery. After a few epic movies being shot at this island, it has become internationally famous and an icon for the movie buffs. With numerous caves, the limestone cliffs, collapsed caves and archeological sites; it's really a haven of natural wonders. With the many places to explore, a variety of activities to do and beaches to relax on, it's truly the perfect destination for the adventure seekers.


  • January and August are the busiest tourism months at Pang Nga Bay
  • There are other spectacular islands in Pang Nga Bay that are inhabited with spectacular caves but can be reached with an inflatable kayak.
  • The bay is protected from the monsoons seasons remaining calm all year round.
  • Sunrise time at Phang Nga Bay is between 5 am to 6 pm depending on the months. Don't miss the overwhelming sunrise sight between the karsts.
  • Boat rides and day trip tours around Pang Nga Bay are easy to book since it is not more fun to explore the area with your car

Attractions At Pang Nga Bay

Pang Nga has numerous attractions to explore to ensure that your trip is a unique one. The good thing is that the bay can be explored in a variety of ways giving a new experience every time. You can explore the bay on a luxury cruise; opt for kayaking or the boat trips. It is a rewarding experience cruising through the limestone island as you enjoy the spectacular scenery. You can also stop by the quiet beaches where you can relax as you enjoy the spectacular views and unwind.

James Bond Island

This is a famous landmark of the bay and should be your first spot. It is known as Koh Ta-pu which means nail Island. If you look carefully you will not its funny elongated shape with a wider upper shape and a pointy base. It was later renamed James Bond Island after a star in the epic movie ‘The Man with the Golden Gun'. After the movie, the island's popularity exploded and today it's the first spot every tourist want to see first. It is a wonder natural curiosity and a great picturesque.
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Koh Panyi

This is a beautiful village built over the water and not far away from the James Bond Island. The village is built on stilts and comprises of many seafood restaurants and shops with beautiful handicrafts and souvenirs. It is a great place to have lunch and do some shopping while at Pang Nga Bay tour.

Buddha Cave

Hidden inside a cave is a resting golden Buddha at Wat Suwan Kuha in Pang Nga. Impressive landscapes with many tunnels and caves fun for exploring lead to the majestic cave. This is a fun spot to explore and you will see lots of monkeys here.

Samet Nangshe Viewpoint

This is Pang Nga Bay's panorama that provides spectacular views of the limestone cliffs of the bay. The view of the stretching sight of the bay is breathtaking especially the sunrise stuck between the limestone karsts.


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